Parallel implementation approaches of term rewriting system 项重写系统的并行实现方案
Performance and evaluation of parallel graph rewriting abstract machine pam/ tgr 并行图重写抽象机PAM/TGR的性能与评价
In this paper, the parallel graph rewriting abstract machine PAM/ TGR based on the Heterogeneous Parallel Graph Rewriting Execution Model HPGREM> is introduced firstly. 本文首先扼要地介绍了我们基于多相并行图重写执行模型HPGREM的并行图重写抽象机PAM/TGR的设计和实现。
Compile-time partial scheduling strategies for optimizing granularity of parallel graph rewriting 优化并行图重写计算粒度的编译时部分调度策略